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Would it have happened anyway

Would It Have Happened Anyway?

8th Jul 2016

This is what I sometimes hear after I have carried out Feng Shui on somebody's home and positive things start happening. They wonder if these things would have happened anyway, without the Feng Shui.  There's no doubt about it. When you shift subtle energy, changes take place [...] 

Blue Light Health Risks

Blue Light Health Risks

6th Jul 2016

Light at night prevents good quality sleep and over time can be harmful to health. Over-exposure to blue light from electronics and energy-efficient light bulbs is said to be worse. It interferes with our circadian rhythm (our biological clock), tricking the body into thinking that it's still daytime [...]

Laughter Improves Health

Laughter Improves Health

22nd Jun 2016

Who feels like laughing when overloaded with the cares and concerns of daily life? Yet it is during challenging times that a dose of laughter can uplift the spirits, strengthen the immune system, relieve pain and lower stress levels. It also tones up body organs such as the heart, lungs and stomach, exercises the muscles [...]

Feng Shui for Happy Children

Feng Shui for Happy Children

21st Jun 2016

Good feng shui in the bedroom can make a huge difference to a child's behaviour and unique development. One of my clients had a child who was terrified at night and didn't seem to like being in her bedroom. During my consultation, I suggested that my client remove [...]  

Night worries

Chakra Calm For Night-Time Worries

17th May 2016

Many people wake in the middle of night, worrying, especially when going through challenging times. It's always worse around 3-4am when blood sugar levels are low. When it happens to me, I lie there going through my chakras [...]

Creating Success

Creating Success

11th May 2016

Research shows that we have about 45,000 thoughts each day and most of them are negative. That's quite a bad fix that we give ourselves each day. Most of our thoughts are sub-conscious, meaning that they happen without our awareness. Affirming can help to replace negative thoughts with positive ones [...] 


Easy Steps To Prevent Indigestion

23rd Apr 2016

Indigestion is a common problem that occasionally happens to most people. It is discomfort or pain in the stomach after a meal, and feeling bloated or uncomfortably full. For some people it feels like a rock sitting in their stomach. A few simple changes in eating habits often cures indigestion, and there is nothing better than a calm digestive system to feel right with the world [...] 

Brain Health

Keep Your Brain Fit

16th Apr 2016

Our brain needs regular exercise, just like we need to use our muscles to keep them flexible and toned. If we allow it to stagnate, it will lose its perkiness, effectiveness, memory, concentration, and more. It will be like a battery which is losing its charge [...]


Listen To Your Body's Messages

29th Mar 2016

Charlie wasn't listening to any messages from his body. He'd had a hip replacement, which was a tremendous success. Two years later his lower back started paining. He had trouble sitting, and difficulty getting out of a chair, but it didn't hurt when he walked. He feared the worst [...]

Feng Shui Power

Feng Shui is Powerful Energy Healing

3rd Mar 2016

I'm thinking about one of my clients who kept breaking his legs, arms, wrist and more. His wife moved out, believing there was a ghost around. There were certainly a few things wrong with the energy in their house, and one of the culprits was such a simple thing [...]

Speaking Out

Speaking Out

1st Dec 2015

With all the media outlets, newspapers, phones, tablets and more, it's easy to share opinions and ideas. Great when we can write or type them, because this gives us time to think about what we want to put across, and how best to present it. Speaking out, however, takes courage for many people [...]

Snack Attack

Snack Attack

10th Jul 2015

The snack is often meal-sized, poor-quality junk food, occurring several times a day. That's not snacking. It's over-indulging in sub-standard stuff, and the result? Indigestion, weight gain, over-taxed liver, sleep problems (diet affects sleep quality) [...]