Feng Shui for Happy Children
21st Jun 2016
Good feng shui in the bedroom can make a huge difference to a child's behaviour and unique development.
One of my clients had a child who was terrified at night and didn't seem to like being in her bedroom. I suggested that my client remove the red rug from the daughter's bedroom floor. Apart from being bright red, which is a yang colour, and yang is too vibrant an energy for a bedroom, the rug depicted a pouncing tiger with open mouth. Similar smaller images of the tiger were also on the red curtains. No wonder she was terrified.
I also suggested putting away at night-time all the brightly-coloured toys littered over the room, to give the room a calmer, yin atmosphere, and to keep the central sector of the bedroom open and free of furniture. Centre energy is important. Here the chi loves to accumulate, swirl around a bit, then flow around all areas of the room. So the centre can be used for the child to express herself freely with games or projects, or even a friendly rough and tumble with a sibling.
Young children are growing, active, curious and exploring. Their bedroom, with all their personal things, and without angry tigers on red rugs to terrify them, can be carefully arranged to allow them to develop their true potential. Smaller-frame furniture is friendlier and more their size. Too much adult-size furniture could make them feel squashed.
Green decor is balancing, while blue is calming. Yellow is too stimulating for sleep, and definitely a no-go for hyperactive children. Red and black may be alright for teenagers who want to make loud statements to the world and stay up late at night, but will be unnerving for young children.
Mobiles (the hanging sort, not phones) help to circulate chi gently, but directly over the child's head will disturb sleep. Similarly, sleeping under a beam or a shelf full of books and ornaments will create a downward pressure on the child and could result in headaches and chest congestion.
Sharing a bedroom can be fun for companionship, but the space needs to allow each child to personalise his or her own area. If using space-saving bunk beds, allow the children to swap, perhaps when sheets are changed, because the bottom bunk can create a feeling of pressure. Painting the underneath of the top bunk in a light colour could help to create the illusion of more space. Make sure that the bed or beds are not directly in the flow of chi from door to window, nor with the foot of the bed aiming directly at the door. Always have wall support at the head of the bed.
Happy children make their parents happy too, so do get their bedrooms right and enjoy a peaceful life!
Copyright © 2016 Brenda Martin