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A unique blend of physical, mental, and emotional health, positive social interactions, relationships, and a healthy and supportive environment.

The course offers a comprehensive self-care package with a diverse range of tools, techniques, and a structured approach, all aimed at helping you achieve optimal health and wellbeing in every facet of your life. 

The holistic approach of this course is a catalyst for personal growth. It will help you realign your attitude, improve your nutrition, alleviate anxiety and stress, enhance your mind and body fitness, boost your energy levels, and elevate your motivation and morale. As a result, you will emerge stronger, better equipped to navigate low days, difficult people, and challenging situations, all while maintaining a positive attitude and outlook. 

By incorporating these empowering steps into your daily routine, you will witness an immediate positive shift in your overall wellness and quality of life. So, seize the opportunity to embark on a journey towards a healthier and happier you. Enrol in this course today and start reaping the benefits.

Diploma in Self-Care & Healthy Living (optional). Accredited by IPHM
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Course Content:

Click on the tabs below to view the course content and module breakdown.


ATTITUDE: You have the power, Be determined, Go with the flow, Lighten up,

CHANGE: The process of change, Changing your thinking, Being willing to change.

HOLISTIC HEALTH: Treating the body as a whole.

RESTORING BALANCE: Yin & Yang body balance, Left & right brain balance.


Learning Outcome:

  • Steps needed to make a fresh start in health, fitness, energy levels, thinking and lifestyle.
  • Importance of attitude, determination and perseverance.
  • How to make changes in yourself or your life as a structure which enables achievement

STRESS: Automatic stress response, Cortisol  & Adrenaline

BODY: Body System, Body Cell, Metabolism, Homeostasis, Health Enemies, Free Radical Attack, Blood Sugar Imbalance, Detoxification, Inflammation, Immune System, Your health is in your hands.


Learning Outcome:

  • How stress can affect the body, mind and behaviour.
  • Body cell, metabolism, homeostasis (body balance).
  • How all body parts work together to maintain health
  • Major causes of illness and how these can be prevented.  

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Your digestive system is your best friend, Chew for health, Essential digestive steps, Absorb-Digest-Circulate-Eliminate.

FOOD: Get the most from your food, Dietary bad news, Trans fats, Sugar, Non foods, Abused foods, Excessive alcohol, Food-Health Connection, Revitalising foods, Water, Fibre, Antioxidants, The Balanced Diet, Carbohydrates, Fats, Essential Fatty Acids, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Superfoods, Good food habits in, Bad food habits out, Stabilise your weight.


Learning Outcome:

  • How the digestive system works and how to keep it in good condition.
  • Importance of chewing, absorbing, digesting, circulating and eliminating within the digestive process.
  • How nutrient-rich food, clean eating and good eating habits keep the digestive system healthy.
  • What to eat, how and when to eat, what to avoid, how to get a balanced diet and maintain good body weight.


CLUTTER CLEARING: How clutter affects You, Why you have clutter, Identifying your clutter, Having courage to let go, Clutter tips, Clutter tools, Clutter action.

SPACE CLEARING: Space clearing tools, Space clearing action, Create your auric protection.

CLEARING HABITS & ADDICTIONS: Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Over-Eating, How to break habits.


Learning Outcome:

  • Clearing energy in your surroundings and body, to enable overall healthy living.
  • Restoring balance in your surroundings
  • Clearing habits and addictions to enable free-flowing energy through you and your life.

QUALITY BREATHING: Diaphragmatic (Abdominal) Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing.

RELAXATION: Progressive Relaxation, Autogenic Relaxation for Stress

MEDITATION: What happens when we meditate, Making time for meditation, basic meditation technique.


Learning Outcome:

  • Breathing properly to maintain good health and how this can be done.
  • Several relaxation techniques which can be used anytime, anywhere and for short periods of time. These will go a long way to reducing stress, boosting the immune system and improving health and well-being.
  • Benefits of meditation, and how to meditate for very short or longer periods, proving to yourself the effectiveness of meditation in boosting your wellbeing.

BALANCING SELF-THERAPY: Air Ions, Dry Skin Brushing, Self-Massage: body, head, shoulders, neck, scalp.

MOVE YOUR BODY: Posture, Exercise.

ENERGISE YOUR BRAIN: Use it or lose it, Easy effective brain health.



Learning Outcome:

  • Several different methods of treating yourself to some calming and re-energising self-therapies, which cost nothing, except a few minutes of your time.
  • Benefits of good posture and exercise in maintaining a flexible and healthy body, and agile movement.
  • How to keep your mind and brain healthy and in optimum condition throughout life.
  • Several ideas of how to keep your hair, skin and clothes energised.


  • Sleep patterns & dreaming, How much sleep we need, Catnaps, Insomnia & poor sleep,
  • Causes & Remedies: environmental, lifestyle, physical, psychological.
  • Self-help for sleep: self-massage, physical exercise, mental exercise, relaxation, breathing, colour breathing.
  • Electromagnetic stress
  • Natural alternatives to sleeping pills
  • Eat for sleep
  • Sleep routine
  • Final hour before bedtime.


Learning Outcome:

  • What sleep is all about and the importance of good quality sleep for overall health and well-being.
  • Many natural ways in which you can achieve a good night's sleep, and restore balance, maintain good health, strengthen your immune system and have lots more energy.

MANAGE YOUR TIME: Learn to say No, Don't be a perfectionist, Don't put off decisions.

MINDFULNESS: Staying in the moment, Accepting and letting it pass.

POSITIVE THINKING: The mind affects the body, How negative self-talk starts, Pressing Cancel on old negative messages, Re-programming your thinking.

AFFIRMATIONS: Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.


Learning Outcome:

  • How to manage your time more effectively, in order to maintain balance, calm and efficiency.
  • Knowledge of an easy, popular and powerful form of meditation for keeping you focused on what you are doing, for more efficiency, a calmer body and mind-set, stress relief and restoring balance to your bodily system.
  • How to create a positive mind-set in order to achieve a positive outcome in what you wish for yourself.
  • How affirmations can help you to replace old negative thinking with positive thinking, and the best ways in which to affirm.

SELF-ESTEEM: Affirming success, Valuing yourself, Getting on well with yourself, How to develop self-esteem, Setting realistic expectations, Setting aside perfection, Adjusting your self-image, Don't compare yourself with others, Effective self-esteem affirming, High self-esteem body language, High self-esteem mind-set.


Learning Outcome:

  • Importance of learning how to empower yourself by developing self-esteem. You will learn how to develop this.
  • How to affirm success and how to value yourself.

SELF-RESPECT: Developing self-respect, Developing self-efficacy, Identifying your qualities, abilities & talents, Changing your perspective.

SELF-CONFIDENCE: Easy self-confidence tips,

SELF-CONFIDENCE & ASSERTIVENESS: Dealing with difficult people, How to say No, When you have to say Yes, Useful assertive phrases & responses.

ULTIMATE WELL-BEING: Power nutrition, Improve on what you can about yourself, Change a habit, Move, Sleep, Brain fitness, Be optimistic, Tidy up your act, Lead a simple lifestyle, Indulge yourself, Keep disciplined & organised, Have a purpose, Socialise, Sense of humour, Inner peace & serenity.


Learning Outcome:

  • Importance of learning how to empower yourself by developing self-respect, self-efficacy and self-confidence. You will learn how to develop these.
  • How to change your perspective, so that you empower yourself and feel good about yourself.
  • How to be assertive, so that you can speak out when you want to, express yourself clearly and make people want to listen to you.
  • How to say No and when to say Yes.
  • How to deal with different types of difficult people in a positive way, and create a win-win outcome for yourself and the other person.
  • The positive steps you have taken in this course to improve your health and well-being.







Ways To Pay

  • Total Price: £296.00
  • Instalment Option: £84 | then 4 x £53 during the course.
  • An instalment of £53 to be paid when you submit homework for Questions 2, 3, 4, 5. We will send a reminder and a payment link.
Please Pay Here:

After paying, we'll email you personally. You won't receive an automated response. If you wish us to use a different email address, please advise us.

UKRLP MemberRSPH Brenda Martin IPHM | Come Alive School of Natural Health & Well-BeingFNTP MemberFS ConsBrenda Martin. International Feng Shui Guild
