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Why you need Vitamin D right now

Why You Need Vitamin D Right Now

3rd Oct 2020

Studies show that 90% of your vitamin D is produced in your skin in response to sunlight, and 10% of it is obtained from your food. So you could be deficient if you don't get much sunlight, you don't eat foods containing enough vitamin D, and you spend a lot of time indoors. Here are some signs of vitamin D deficiency...

How To Stop Procrastinating

How To Stop Procrastinating

1st Sep 2020

Do you sigh when you think about that 'thing' you need to do, then turn away and do something else instead? 
We all do this at times. We may not be ready for it, or we fear we can't handle it, we dread it, it's boring , it's overwhelming, or many other reasons. Usually it's not something pleasurable, or we'd be jumping right in there dealing with it. 

Scalp Massage

Ease Your Tension, Massage Your Scalp

27th Jul 2020

Doing your own scalp massage is wonderful for soothing, and for boosting the production of serotonin, the body's natural feel-good hormone. And it's easy to do while sitting reading, watching the television or doing nothing at all. When we're uptight, we tend to tense the shoulders, neck, head and facial muscles. This can cause headaches. 

Easing Worry

Easing Worry

8th May 2020

These are worrying times. We aren't in control of our lives because of this Covid-19 virus, and we're trying to deal with hardships and losses. But we must find a way through our mental and emotional load, otherwise we'll find it even more challenging when things get back to whatever the new normal will be. 

Covid-19 Anxiety

Coping With Covid-19 Anxiety

29th Mar 2020

This virus situation is causing many of us anxiety and panic, especially feeling out of control when facing uncertainty, and worse for people who already suffer anxiety. But take heart. Here are some ways to help you cope, feel calmer and less stressed, and boost your physical, mental and emotional resilience, so your immune system stays strong.

Breathing Boosts Your Well-Being

Good Breathing Boosts Your Wellbeing

11th Mar 2020

Good breathing is essential for whole health, physically, mentally and emotionally. So how can you get some good breathing going? Come and learn how. Breathing in gives you oxygen which feeds and energises your body. Breathing out removes harmful toxins from your bodily system. When you're worried, stressed, or rushing around, your breathing isn't good...

Process of Change

How To Make Changes In Your Life

12th Nov 2019

Do you sometimes get stuck in a rut, get the urge to change, have a go, make some progress, then flop back into the same old routine or rut? There are reasons you do this, and, take heart, there are ways to stop doing it. There is a structure to changing, and understanding the structure, then giving it a go, can really help you succeed in changing anything you want to [...] 

Sleep Well with Feng Shui

Sleep Well With Feng Shui

18th Oct 2019

Good feng shui in the bedroom is essential. We spend a lot of time in the bedroom, so it needs to be peaceful, calming, relaxing, balanced and free from objects that emit harmful vibes. We often take our work, problems, and electronic devices to bed with us. Lovely to feel the comfort of our bed while working and sorting out problems. But, we're keeping our minds active when they should be winding down, and we're absorbing harmful blue light ...

Afternoon Catnaps

Afternoon Catnaps

7th Oct 2019

Feeling sleepy in the afternoon

Is that afternoon shut-eye a sign of time-wasting, laziness and getting old? There's a stigma attached to it, but why? During a recent meeting of friends, ages 30 to 70, most of us admitted to an afternoon nap whenever we could. There was a sigh of relief as everyone realised they were not the only one afternoon-zizzing and that it was quite acceptable to do it [...]

Soothing SAD Symptoms

Soothing SAD Symptoms

27th Sep 2019

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression related to season changes, especially when winter looms up, which is why it's often called the 'winter blues'. SAD can also kick in when there are grey skies, lack of sunlight, cold weather, it's dark indoors during the day, and even when you are expecting a warm, sunny summer and end up with a cold, grey, rainy one instead. SAD symptoms can be low energy, moodiness, deep sadness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and signs of depression. Why is this? [...]

Stress-creating stimulants

Stress-Creating Stimulants

2nd Sep 2019

When you're stressed, do you head for alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and refined carbs like pastries?  They can create an immediate high, because they shoot a fix of sugar into your blood stream, giving you a sense of happiness and comfort - but they are followed by an energy and mood slump later on which can make you want more. They are mostly non-foods. They don't nourish your body, and over-dosing on them creates havoc with your blood sugar [...] 

Calm digestive system and more energy

A Calm Digestive System & More Energy

6th Aug 2019

Eat slowly and chew well! Make time to eat. Rushed eating means poor chewing. It interferes with the digestive process, and can cause erratic blood sugar and energy slumps. Don't overdo liquids with your meal. Small sips aids digestion by helping to break down the food. Sit and relax while eating. Digestion is governed by the body's parasympathetic nervous system, which ensures that after the 'fight or flight' response (being on the go), the body enters 'rest and digest' mode [...]