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Canva - Crossroads

How To Handle Uncertainty

13th Jan 2022

Uncertainty is like standing at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go. You get that out-of-control sensation and probably anticipate the worst, whichever route you consider taking. Here are some ideas to help you reduce uncertainty. 

Harness Happiness

How To Harness Happiness

13th Oct 2021

Happiness is achievable for everybody. To one person it may be a calm digestive system. To another it's switching off from the daily rush. Whatever your version of happiness, you can achieve it. 

The Sugar Saga

Sugar Can Harm Your Health

30th Aug 2021

Consuming sugar can create a quick rise in energy and mood, but a sharp slump also follows. We then crave more sugar, especially in high-fat foods, and the cycle continues. Our blood absorbs sugar quickly, increasing our blood sugar level and making our pancreas over-produce the hormone insulin to deal with it. It can lead to insulin resistance which is harmful to our body.

How To Say No

How To Say No

25th Aug 2021

Saying No is not easy for many reasons. Will you offend or annoy the other person? Will they dislike you? Will they  complain about you behind your back? Do you know that most people will consider you favourably if you stand up for yourself 

Keeping Youthful

Keeping Youthful

18th Aug 2021

How do we keep youthful? Right clothes? Latest hairstyle? Face-lift? It comes from a healthy, happy and fulfilling life,  whatever our age, so that our inner feelings shows up in our body, face and life. 

Tired All The Time

Tired All The Time

13th Aug 2021

Do you feel exhausted, weary, lacking energy, and not functioning at your best? You could be suffering from TATT - tired all the time.  It can cause issues such as tension, headaches, aches and pain, digestive disturbances, lack of concentration, and sleep problems.

Fresh Air Cure for Cabin-Fever

Fresh Air Cure for Cabin-Fever

31st Jul 2021

We have all suffered cabin-fever these past eighteen months, and it's been awful juggling jobs, commitments, health and finances. At first, keeping indoors during lockdown was a novelty. We no longer had to rush around. Our time was mostly our own. We could have Zoom meetings in our pyjamas. 

Boredom Is Good For Your Brain

Boredom Is Good For Your Brain

7th Jul 2021

Boredom breeds creativity, new ideas, and solutions to problems. 
Do you ever get good ideas while doing something boring like washing dishes, standing in a queue, sitting in a waiting room, or doing nothing in particular? Some of the most creative, innovative ideas were born from boredom. 


How to Feel Less Trapped

25th May 2021

Being forced to stay indoors, work online, and suffer lack of social contact caused many people anxiety and mental ill-health, and their self-esteem and confidence took a dive. Now that we are slowly getting our freedom back, some of us feel anxious about being with others again.

Gut-Mood Link

Your Gut-Mood Link

11th May 2021

You have two brains, both with a vital role in the well-being of your mind and body. The brain in your head deals with thinking, processing, and directing your nervous system to make your body function. Your second brain is in your digestive system, containing elements of your nervous system, mood chemicals, and billions of friendly microbes that keep you healthy.

How to feel happier

How To Feel Happier

13th Apr 2021

You need to fire up your neurons. When you feel happy, with a sense of well-being, it's the result, physiologically, biologically and chemically, of an intricate, complex network of neurons (nerve cells) in your brain firing messages to one another.  Your brain has four chemicals that create happy feelings. They are endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.

Start Your Day Feeling In Control Of Your Life

Start Your Day Feeling In Control Of Your Life

11th Nov 2020

Are you glued to the news, waiting to hear what else is going to impact your life?  Between juggling work, trying to make ends meet, feeling you are going crazy, and working out how to keep yourself and others safe, there's something important you need to focus on - YOU. If you don't, you'll never feel in control.