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First Easy Step In Clutter Clearing

First Easy Step In Clutter Clearing

21st Oct 2018

Clutter can weigh you down and stop you from moving forward. Everything has an energy field around it, and the energy around clutter is like gluey cobwebs that stick to you as you pass nearby. Clutter can make you feel lethargic and dispiritied, and overwhelmed at the thought of ever being able to do anything about it. A huge clear-out of items no longer wanted, needed or liked, is the first step...


Use Your Five Senses To Improve Your Sleep

7th Jun 2018

Sleep is our sanctuary from the challenges and activities of the day. Sleep is addictive for some of us. We love it and can't wait to get to bed. Others regard it as losing precious time when there's lots to do, and find that they can’t wait to get out of bed. But many of us dread it, as we anticipate yet another sleepless night. 

Dealing with Stress

Dealing With Stress

17th Feb 2018

People don't like admitting they feel stressed. They often think it's a sign of weakness, but it's not. Step 1 in dealing with stress is not to compare yourself with others. Everybody is different and others may be trying to cope with a different type of stress that you are not aware of. An exciting challenge to one person may be incredibly stressful for you, or vice versa. Whatever your stress, take steps to deal with it, because it can eventually lead to illness, mentally, physically, emotionally and behaviourally... 

Nature's Anti-Depressant

Why We Need To Be Outdoors

14th Jan 2018

My early working life in London involved travelling in stuffy trains, and walking along roads full of buildings and hardly a tree or flower in sight. Then I would spend the day with artificial light, central heating or air-conditioning, and double-glazed windows that didn’t open for health and safety reasons. Good for safety, but health? I was suffocating, feeling ill and low-spirited, and in desperate need of nature's air ions...

The Ageing Minefield, LinkedIn

The Ageing Minefield

27th Nov 2017

Many people expect to decline as a normal part of getting old. They believe that ageing is out of their control and they have to give in to illness, body aches, failing memory and slowing down. The Collins 21st Century Edition dictionary defines 'ageing' in two ways. One is growing old. The other is becoming older. Just a simple difference in words can make an enormous difference to our feelings about 'ageing'. We don't mind becoming older, but the thought of growing old can be disturbing [...]

Use Food For Healing

Use Food To Heal Yourself

8th Nov 2017

What we do on a daily basis defines our health and wellbeing. Something we do every day is eat, and many of us don't give much thought to it. Food is more than just a filler to stop us feeling hungry. It's an important and effective source of healing. The nutrients in our food issue instructions on how to function, to every one of the trillions of cells that make up our body [...]

Two Keys to Self-Esteem

Two Keys To Self-Esteem

7th Oct 2017

Self-esteem is vital to your emotional health and wellbeing. With strong self-esteem, you will be able to meet any challenge in life, and many problems will disappear along the way. People are often confused about what self-esteem means. Is it to do with the way we look, how popular we are with other people, whether we're the right shape or size? It's none of these. Self-esteem is [...]

Feng Shui & Clutter Clearing Work Together

Feng Shui and Clutter Clearing Work Together

14th Jul 2017

Feng Shui struggles around clutter. Feng Shui wants to move you forward. Clutter holds you back. Its stale energy lingers in the atmosphere. Absorbing it is bad for you. Energy levels, decision-making and health can all suffer. It can make you feel ‘stuck’ and going nowhere in your life [...]

Positive Lifestyle Tips

Positive Lifestyle Changes

14th Jul 2017

One small, positive change in your lifestyle can make a huge difference to how you feel. Here are some tips: Get to know how your body works. It will help you make informed choices about your health and well-being. Eat & drink nutrient-rich food. Avoid chemicalised food. Eat regular meals. Chew! Drink water. Digestive health = whole body health. Be optimistic. Don’t dwell on things that lower your spirits...

Some Bad Food Habits

Bad Food Habits

14th Jul 2017

Nutritious foods will only work for us if we actually eat them and chew them.  Bad foods can't harm us if we leave them out. Here are some things to ponder: If we don't chew enough, our salivary enzymes don't have time to start the digestion process, particularly with carbs. The stomach struggles with carbs, because its priority is to digest proteins. If partially undigested food enters the intestines, it can cause problems like food insensitivies. Meal-skipping = no nutrient intake and erratic blood sugar levels [...]

Eat Wisely, Eat Well

Eat Wisely, Eat Well

14th Jul 2017

Fresh is best when it’s eaten fresh. If it kicks around the kitchen or fridge for a few days, vital nutrients disperse into the air and the food starts to oxidise. Buy fruit and vegetables little and often. Buy them slightly unripe and let them ripen on the windowsill to boost nutrient content and flavour. Frozen is next best, because it’s frozen immediately after picking which keeps the nutrients in good condition. However, kicking around the freezer for months will destroy the nutrients. Tins and packets are less nutritious, and some less than others.   [...]

Boost Your Body's Natural Healing Process

Boost Your Body's Natural Healing Process

13th Jul 2017

Your body is made up of energy, as well as different parts, organs and processes. Energy flows throughout the whole body, reaching every part of it, while also fuelling your nerves, glands and hormones. The energy flows through the body along pathways called meridians, feeding, rejuvenating and revitalising every part of  it. If the energy flows well, you will enjoy health, energy and wellbeing. If your energy is blocked and not flowing well, you may not feel good [...]