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The Link Between Diet and Disease

The Link Between Diet and Disease

6th Apr 2024

We all know there's a link between diet and disease, yet do we give much thought to what we eat, where the food goes when it leaves the mouth, or what it does to the body? For some, the body is merely a receptacle for anything to stop the tummy rumbling or to satisfy a need at that moment, and from where rubbish exits at the other end. 

Use Feng Shui To Sell Your Home

Use Feng Shui To Sell Your Home

30th Mar 2024

Selling your home often takes too much time, especially when you have already found your new home and are desperate to move. Here are 7 feng shui actions you can take to get the energy right for moving and to make your present home more appealing to potential buyers. 1. Don’t neglect your present home. It still needs your love and care...

How To Live Life To The Fullest Every Day

Live Life To The Fullest Every Day

24th Mar 2024

At Come Alive, we believe in helping people make the most out of every day. Here are 10 tips: 1. Set Meaningful Goals: Having goals gives you direction and purpose. Set goals that align with your values and passions, and take a little step towards achieving them every day...

Feng Shui Can Help You Feel Good

Feng Shui Can Help You Feel Good

17th Mar 2024

We're all affected by the energy that swirls around us. Have you ever walked into a room or house and felt uncomfortable in there, or felt happy and uplifted? You're sensing the energy in the place. In feng shui we call it 'feeling the chi.'

Age is only a Number

Age Is Only A Number

10th Mar 2024

Age should never limit your potential or dictate what you can or cannot do. At Come Alive, we believe that age is simply a number. Embrace this mindset that age is only a number and live your life to the fullest, no matter what stage of life you're in.

Man sleeping

Do You Have a Toxic Bedroom?

3rd Mar 2024

It’s important to keep your bedroom healthy, as you spend a third of your life in it. Your body is at its most vulnerable during sleep. It’s the time for it to rest, repair and heal, not defend itself from toxic enemies. There can be many reasons for waking up feeling unrefreshed, but you don’t want your bedroom to be one of them. 

Healthy Family

Don't Inherit Your Family's Illnesses

29th Nov 2023

I've been waiting for my health to take a dive, as my parents' medical history was a cocktail of ill health - cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, osteoporosis, gynae issues and type 2 diabetes. But 25 years on, I'm way past the age when my parents first contracted these health conditions, and I've had no sign of any of them.

Lemon Water for Health

Self-Care in Today's Hectic World

1st Nov 2023

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and stressed in this fast-paced world? If so, then taking care of yourself is more important than ever. Self-care is about carving out time and space to prioritise your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. The aim is to recharge and rejuvenate yourself, so you can better handle the challenges that come your way.

Canva. Depressed Man

How To Keep Positive Around Negative People

5th May 2023

Everybody feels negative at times, and of course you want to help, because that's who you are. But a person's negativity can be overwhelming, energy-draining and contagious. Helping others is a wonderful quality in you. But do protect your own energy...

Car - Canva 3

The Inside Of Your Car Affects You

25th Apr 2023

What’s the feng shui energy (chi) like inside your car? Healthy, uplifting, cheery, giving you a sense of wellbeing? Or unhealthy, stuck, stale, draining, just awful. How about giving these five tips a go? A chi-change can often be life-changing.

Canva. Fruit Veg

Do You Know What You're Eating?

10th Mar 2023

Carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre are all essential for health, but they can't nourish us if we don't actually eat or drink them. Meal-skipping is common, but if we don't eat, we can't obtain the nutrients we need. Many people don't eat breakfast, so they start the day with a total lack of nourishment.

How to stop feeling isolated

How To Stop Feeling Isolated

31st Jan 2022

Self-care is essential these days. It helps us cope with many challenges we face.  One important aspect of caring for ourselves is communicating with others. When we’re cut off from others, we lose out on humanity, togetherness, kindness, support, companionship and more.