Re-Gain Self-Esteem In The Workplace
28th Feb 2017
Self-esteem can take a real battering in the modern workplace. It can be a source of stress, anxiety and worry, and can negatively impact a person’s health and life.
The pace is fast in today's technological and informational world. Maximum productivity, low costs and high income are the priorities, and employees are expendable. There is often no recognition of loyalty or good performance, but plenty of adverse response to apparent under-achievement, even though you may have taken on yet another workload, due to other employees having been made redundant and not replaced.
You may also be working during your down-time with your phone strapped to your hand, and your computer at the ready all night and weekends, the very time you should be restoring your energy and sense of self with relaxation and meaningful activities and people.
Add to this unpleasant attitudes among co-workers, which may have come about through work pressure and lack of job security, and which include rudeness, aggression, belittling others, gossiping and more, and the workplace can become rather a hostile, devaluing environment instead of a place in which to nurture self-esteem.
You CAN boost your self-esteem in the face of such challenges. You just need to know how, do it step by step, and keep at it until it becomes an integral part of you. In spite of what is going on around you, you will believe in yourself, feel in control and find it easier to deal with challenging people, experiences and situations that come your way.
Here are a few tips:
Practise self-esteem body language (relaxed and confident):
- Walk tall and purposefully, with your head up.
- Speak slowly and clearly.
- Have relaxed non-fidgeting hands.
- Relaxed shoulders.
- Arms hanging in an easy and natural manner.
The more you do this, the easier it will become, in spite of any difficulties you may be facing. In fact, throwing yourself into feeling relaxed and confident will give you more courage to face your challenges.
Smile, even if you don’t feel like it. A very interesting study to ascertain whether positive facial expressions affected stress responses showed that regardless of how a subject felt, conducting stressful tasks with a smile helped to reduce the physical effects of stress, such as heart rate (Kraft & Pressman, 2012).
Don’t compare yourself with others. It’s inaccurate information that you are absorbing about other people. You don’t know what’s going on in their lives. Even the most outwardly confident people can have low self-esteem and feel insecure.
Stop negative thinking. Think positively about how to solve any problems that can be solved, and how to let go of anything that you really cannot change. Create a reminder for yourself about this. By putting a coloured sticker somewhere on your phone or desk, each time you see it, it will remind you to adjust your thinking, and move on.
Carry a self-esteem notebook with you. Make a list each day of three things you like about yourself, three things in which you made an effort, and three things that you are grateful for. Read it at the end of the week and see what a worthy person you are.
And don’t keep looking back. Always look forward and keep the self-esteem momentum going. It’s worth it because it really works.
Copyright © 2017 Brenda Martin